SPONSORED: Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry - VIVIANTIAN'S

SPONSORED: Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry

by - Wednesday, December 23, 2015

[ S P O N S O R E D - P O S T ]

Finally found time within my busy holiday to drop by Headlines Hairdressing to get a hair treatment. I know, I know.... I am constantly busy. I wonder why as well. It's holidays and I still can't seem to get enough rest..... Guise, you need to stop throwing assignments to me, do you see my eye bag right there even make-up can't save me

With that said, I also don't have much time to pamper myself. Which explains my skin and hair condition. As the saying goes, "There is no ugly women, only lazy women." It's true ok. I've grown so work inclined I totally neglect my outlooks and wellbeing, sigh.

So before I fly over to somewhere foreign to settle down, I'm just kidding, relax myself and enjoy a good family time, I decided to pop by Headlines Hairdressing and look for my hair specialist, Elein.

Elein helped me do a quick session of Mucota Dyna Oil Treatment which also has the ability to straighten my hair while bringing the shine and smoothness back to my damaged hair. This is my second time doing the Mucota Dyna Oil Treatment, and I have to admit I really really love it hahahahahaha. The down side though, I can't bleach my hair because the bleaching agent will eat away all the treatment and damage my hair to a whole new level

But I really really miss this head?

Nice color, but terrible damage. Okay lah, I do admit Headlines Hairdressing had helped resurrect the dead hahahahahaha. Look at my hair condition now -

Still not ideal, but this was the result from 4 different treatment session, and 1 coloring session with Headlines! The Vivian is very pleased. x)

Still miss crazy hair colors terribly regardless.... That struggle sighpie

That's Elein at the back, carefully slapping all the treatment cream on my damaged head. I have to honestly salute her, because she is extremely patient and dedicated with the things she does. Not just me, to every single customers that lands onto her hands. She takes note of every little detail and make sure everything is well done from what I observe while waiting for my turn when I arrive too early hahaha.

ON A SIDE NOTE: (Let's not side track.)

What is Mucota Dyna Oil Treatment for?

Dyna is the lastest home care technology which helps to reduce frizzy hair, making hair straighter. Most importantly, it is 100% NO FORMALDEHYDE, unlike the anti-frizz treatment in the current market. Dyna is suitable for people who has rebonded their hair before or have unruly and un-manageable hair.

Check out Jerlinda's review here!
Here's a shot from a few weeks back.

Got frizz meh?! Of course don't have lah, I flipped my hair over to the other side and cover.... XD But you can see all those stray hair sticking out from the sides. And those terribly fried ends(Simi sai?!)

I did not mess my hair up on purpose, my hair IS that unkempt if I don't tie it up I've gave up trying to make it look neat anymore

Hahahhahahahhaa don't judge please I've been too lazy I know don't tell me

End results are much better though! Tadahhhh – Ignore that face of mine. We took multiple selfies, and this is the only one I look most alive in. Clearly not enough sleep man. Look at that weird swollen eyelid of mine /facepalm

And it's the time of the year again! Ladies, get their rebonding and guys, getting their hair colors done.
Welcome the Chinese New Year with a fabulous head before all slots are taken up!

Look for Elein when you book your appointment with Headlines Hairdressing and get up to 10% ~ 30% OFF hair services at Headlines Hairdressing when you quote my name, "VIVIANTIAN".

10 Anson Road, #03-32
International Plaza, Tanjong pagar.

Operating Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30AM – 8:30PM
Sat: 10:30AM – 7:00PM
Sun: Closed

Contact Number: 62233133

Fabulous hair, to kickstart a fabulous year.

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D