
Fight or flight?

I used to exert all my might to fight when things get tough, but these days I get so tired and hopeless to continue doing it. I have been activating my flight system a lot lately.. And my fight system seem to have broken down for so long...

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Reviewing the Flavor of Life with Lao Xie Zhen Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey

Hellu! It’s been a while! The lovely people from HaoYiKang sent over a box Lao Xie Zhen’s Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey for me to try! As most of you know, I have a collective list of autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions going on and they have since...

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OnTimePrint Singapore

YOU GUYSSSSSS. I’ve got something good to share. I don’t know if you guys are aware but I’ve recently started out my entrepreneur journey with a good friend. Technically it isn’t my business but I was involved in plotting her creatives. We were planning the templates when we...

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Nano Singapore Vitamins!

Voted No.1 in All-Natural Products by Natural Health 2019, Nano Singapore had became the ultimate go-to for different kinds of supplements in Singapore! Don't judge, but me and my friends are at the age where we have to consider adding vitamins into our daily routine, hahahha. I remember...

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I'm trying

I realized I haven't update in a really long time. Haven't been feeling that well for the last few months, especially with all the spontaneous hives outbreak making me very lethargic everyday. I hate that I'm sick too. I hate that people don't see my attempts to get...

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I'm really tired-

I'm really tired. Like really, really, really really, really tired. It feels realy tough to get off bed, to get up from my seat, or to even eat. Chewing feels like a chore, holding cutleries feel like a chore. Getting up into a standing or sitting position makes...

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Back to basic

Taking a break from all the fancy hair I've had for the last 5 years and going back to basic. Definitely feels weird not having my blonde ends and having brown hair but I figured it's about time I make a change and make myself look a bit...

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