Pokemon Cafe Singapore: Good, or bad? - VIVIANTIAN'S

Pokemon Cafe Singapore: Good, or bad?

by - Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Disclaimer: Never thought I'd write a review so brutally honest, but since you guys requested for legit honest review because the queue is so long and you guys wanted to see if it's worth it then........ HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY, ALL IN OR NOTHING.

All that hype since the opening day last week, but I haven't exactly got myself a chance to sit down and dine in over at Pokemon Cafe. (Yes, I managed some photos from the opening day if you are actually following me on Instagram!) Thankfully, last Saturday I had a couple of friends who were really ON about it and went to queue really early for us! They started queueing at 9:30AM, and we finally got a seat for 6 people at approx. 12PM.

Despite the really small and cramp area, I must say they have pretty good crowd control and ambience. At least the diners weren't rowdy, and the cafe isn't in a mess. Sure the waiters are a tat bit slow with cleaning up, but that's okay. It wasn't too much of an issue, to be honest. The real issue is how the space constraints kinda caused many people to share a table with strangers. How awkward would it be if it just so happen the people you're sharing with is a pair of super lovey-dovey couple...

"Laiiiii darling, ahhhhhhhh~~~~~"


Luckily we got a table to ourselves because our group isn't small enough to share a table with other customers, 8)
They don't have much Pokemon themed cutleries or interior. So I guess the only thing you can really camwhore with is their food.

It was photos after that since the food was taking a while. The cafe has this really tiny "photobooth" for you to snap some photos with their props, but sadly, the staff who took the group photo for us was terrible. The photos turned out blurred and all, so we ended up taking selfies instead, :/

Desmond, & Ryan! Missing Xiwen here :(

Got Ryan to snap a photo of me man-handling his Charmander x)

Just kidding, I love Charmander okay. It's like my favorite starter. Whatever I do, I do it with Charmander.
Anyway, we spent so much time taking photo, I forgot we were supposed to dine there. The food took around 30 minutes to come. Glad they served me the latte first tho!

The Iced Latte is really good. I read some reviews online and everyone was saying how bitter it is. Probably because I am a fan of coffee, it actually tasted just right. With that said, I also saw photos online showing a terribly powdered Pikachu face. I guess I am pretty lucky I got a nice, (and cute one at that) right here, hahahaha. Kudos to the barista!

The food though, was a total disappointment.

All photos are raw unless stated.

Smiling Pikachu Omelette Rice, $25

I ordered a Smiling Pikachu Omelette Rice for myself because when you order the Omurice, you get to bring home the Pokeball Mug. You know my Omurice was served cold and dry? I was so sad. Not the undercook kind of dry, but more of a it-has-been-left-in-the-open for quite a while kind of dry. I had to ask for extra curry sauce to be able to swallow the rice.

Did not touch the salad because the veg doesn't look fresh at all......

Ah well, I'm just paying for the mug.

The Magma sauce given was also quite minimal. It wasn't enough to fill up the whole plate of rice. But hey, the Magma sauce actually tasted quite good! Like non-spicy laksa,

Primal Groudon's Bolognese, $20.

I wanted to order this initially, but I will not get my pokeball mug if I do, :( So Desmond ordered it instead, so we can share hehehehe.
I saw the menu, and those black stuff on the bun are actually supposed to be a printing of Pikachu. No idea what went wrong there, I can't even make out a Pikachu from that black stuff. It honestly looked like mouldy bread.

Here's a close up.

On the other hand, salad served right next to a grill pan. Hmm......

I did not try the bolognese because the boys said it tasted sour. Hahahaha, I did take a little bit of the egg white tho! That Pokeball is made of egg white, with ketchup filling the red side of the Pokeball!

Soda Pop, $11

Basically, Blue Fizzy Drink. Tastes like Ice-cream soda, but take away the creamy taste. I heard it was $8, and you don't get to keep the bottle. Now it's $11, but you get to keep the bottle. That extra $3 for a bottle with just a piece of paper label stuck on with double sided tape... Idk man, you judge.






Desmond's Bleeding Pikachu, $20!



Like wth is this. How long must you leave it out in the open for it to become like this? The mango mousse's all melted and the cream behind is close to non-existence. Actually to be honest, I don't even know what's hidden at the back. I think it's a cream puff. $20 for this, are you kidding me? Can you not be so half-ass, :/

Of course we requested for a change. This one gives me nightmare.

Tadah! Much better eh?

Pikachu approves!

Then again, it feels as if they simply replaced the sorbet on top. Notice that same piece of withered leaf and the placement of the fruits there?


y u still so half ass

Didn't try it tho. The first one turned me off so bad, I cannot....

Something Parfait, $15

Can't remember names for nuts. This is Xiwen's favorite! That squashed Pikachu there is a fondant-like thingy wrapped sponge cake. That spongey actually doesn't taste too bad. It's just really really sweet. All those cream and syrup as well... It's just really really really really really sweet.
I think the cotton candy at the back is meant to be a .... cave? Let's have a look at the original photo on the menu;

Annnnnndddddd back to our squashed Parfait....

Bruh? Whatever the heck happened to you?

Can the fingerprint be any less obvious? :/
Moving on, the pancake that made us wait for close to an hour finally arrived. Everyone's almost done with their food by now, and Ryan and Kimmy's pancake finally arrived!

Pikachu Sweeeeeet Pancakes, $20.
As quoted from the two boys, "The pancakes suck."

I don't know man, I wasn't the one eating those but they sure as hell didn't like it because it was too cold, and dry. Ryan could barely mouth his pancakes but he swallowed it down anyway because it's freaking $20.

Whereas poor Kimmy received the pancake with hair in it. Not sure if you could see it, but I'd zoom it in for you anyway.

Naturally when you visit a themed cafe, and is paying so much for the food, you'd expect at least the most minimum hygiene measures taken, right? So Kimmy decided to inform the staff that there's hair in the pancakes so they would be extra careful with their next order. But well, because the staff was really nice, she decided to replace the pancakes for him.

So she came back within 2 minutes with a new plate... (Like how the heck, because we waited for the first plate for close to an hour but she just BAM! came with a new plate of pancake magically in 2 minutes, wow.) And SURPRISE! The pancake felt just like my Omurice... It felt like it-has-been-left-in-the-open for quite a while kind of cold and dry. How disappointing...

So Kimmy went to that same staff personally to tell her about the issue, and he was informed that, Pancakes takes time to decorate, thus it is cold. If we wanted warm pancakes, we will have to wait 2 hours for it. Pretty dang infuriated by that statement, to be honest. She very nicely exchanged the pancakes for us again anyway, though. Thought we gonna wait 2 hours for it, and wanted to refuse but she rushed away. Okay so we waited.

Then here comes Pancake 3 in 5 minutes. Amazingly, 5 minutes.
Of course it was nice and warm! And looked really presentable;

NOTE*: Warm pancakes can be decorated and served within 5 minutes, y'all.

But it tasted pretty sour too. Like spoilt pancakes.

And that's it. Kimmy had enough of all the changes, and how complacent the service there was. We quickly finished up our drinks and left the place.

I honestly can't explain my love-hate relationship for this cafe. I really loved the Iced Latte and would no doubt come back for it, or even do take-aways if it is available.. Good job, barista! but I will never, never come back to dine again because the amount we are paying simply doesn't justify the service and food we received. I could take that 150++ to Marche and enjoy some really awesome rosti for all 6 of us. /rollseye

Bad food and services aside, we had great time there taking photos actually. Like you spent so much over there how can you go home without even taking nice photos of those food?! Desmond and Ryan brought their Pokemon plush along and we were happily placing them on the table for mini photoshoot.

With almighty digital enhancement, even shitty food could look good. Let's not end this post on a bad note alright, hahaha

Did I forget to mention you'd get a choco pen to doodle on the crepe? Request to melt the chocolate if it's not coming out smoothly!

The Pokemon Cafe is located at Bugis Junction, Level 4. They're occupying half the space, so you shouldn't miss it.

My honest opinion? This cafe is really not value for money. What you are paying for is really just the oxygen within the space. Something like an entry fee... So you get access to a plate of food for yourself to spam insta-worthy photos with. Problem is the food is mediocre, not every plate served looks presentable and everything is overpriced. It feels more like they are selling the brand rather than the experience.

Ah well, guess we paid quite a bit for an extremely unique visit. What are the chances to be served with a Bloody Pikachu, Sour Bolognese, Squashed Mini-chu and 3 ruined Pancakes in just one visit? Hahahahaha, that's pretty dang special alright.

I guess the best take-home for us was the Pokeball mugs and the nice photos with the team. Can't wait for the next outing!! I sincerely hope we don't get served spoilt food from a full-of-excuses staff again........
Siao meh? Pay 150 over dollars to get bad food and services!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D