Mo-view: 六弄咖啡館 At Cafe 6
If you've bought the tickets expecting yet another sweet love story like "Our Times"(2015), "Cafe, waiting"(2014) or "You're The Apple of My Eye"(2011), then you are definitely in for a surprise. The long awaited 六弄咖啡館 At Cafe 6 is yet another bestselling novel adaption that'll probably blow you away with it's plot. I mean, it's a bestseller for a reason right? If you are expecting a sweet love story with a happy ending though, you might end up getting really disappointed.
Miss Liang's car broke down after work in a rainy night. The coffee shop owner helps her and invites her to his shop named Café 6. When he knows Miss Liang has a fight with her boyfriend that is overseas, he shares the story that happened in the summer of 1996…

At that time, Guan Min-lü and his good friend Xiao Bo-zhi always hang out together. Min-lü is secretly in love with Li Xin-rui. And Bo-zhi likes Xin-rui's best friend, Cai Xin-yi. They share the shining young days together. However, they need to face reality. Can they maintain their friendship after their high school graduation?
六弄咖啡館 At Cafe 6 focuses a lot on growing up. It's a film that relates really close to the heart to both teenagers and adults. The days of pursuing that cutest girl in class, to finally getting her heart. This film though, is slightly different from the other Taiwan romance films I've mentioned above. There are plenty of life lessons for you to take home in this film, unlike the other three films I mentioned, that simply keeps you overwhelmed with emotions within the cinema and satisfy that little girl in you. At Cafe 6 on the other hand, made me think a lot about life and how environment can sculpt different people by just living in 2 different places despite growing up in the same place.

At Cafe 6 has zero reserve in their profanities and vulgar plot. Not like there is anything R-rated, but there are plenty of vulgarities hurling around throughout the entire film. Don't forget to prepare tissue though! As much as the happy love story goes, there is still a time for heartbreaks.

I personally feel the supporting actors did a better job than the main leads. Maybe because the leads were trying too hard with their Taiwanese accent.... I don't know, I just find it really hard to listen to them until the very last part of the movie(because they didn't talk so much at the end). The supporting actors really did play an important part in this film. Which is also the main reason why you guys should brace yourself for the plot twist at the very end.

Taking away the terrible accent and acting during their high school days, I'll rate this film a 4.5/5! The director really did an amazing job for a debut film to be honest. And the effort put in for all of those emotion-heavy scenes is really worth the commendation.
Good films should never be left neglected, so catch "At Cafe 6" at your nearest cinema from 14 July 2016 onwards and prepare for a major heartbreak. Thank you Clover films once again, for allowing me to attend the Gala Premiere!
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