Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry: Going pink

Love is when you visit your hair doctor and come out feeling all happy and fabulous. XD
I popped by Headlines to look for Elein again last week to finally get my hair fixed. The last time I visited the salon was close to 2 months back. I was so busy with my grad show preparation I barely even have time off to pamper myself. Why am I always busy ah?
Anyway, all that stress had frizzed up my hair pretty much. To such an extent, the ends are all tangled and fried. Freaking annoying I tell you.
I've gotten so lazy, I don't even use conditioner anymore. Otherwise, when I do, I don't dry my hair properly. Because I get home so late, I simply head to bed the moment I am out of the shower. #Lifeofmediastudent Super duper sleep deprived...
So yep, I booked an appointment with Elein to get my usual Mucota ABC treatment done! I'm always a happy girl when I visit the salon, hahaha. I like how smooth my hair turns out everytime after popping by Headlines.
Steaming some brains there. Turns out really well at times, I'd go home feeling smart.

Afterwhich, Elein help me touch up my faded purple ends with pink. /QuesAlanWalkerFaded
I didn't bleach my ends again though!
Manic Panic Hot Hot Pink Amplified. Used this before and is still by far my favorite crazy color hair dye brand. Here's one shot from when I was 21 year old, hahahaha

Back then I sat in the salon for 7 freaking hours just to bleach my ends till it's golden enough to get this pinkie up. This time, I didn't bleach my ends at all, so I'm settling with just a slight pinkish tinge on my hair ends, hehe.
Can't decide if it's pink or purple.... Thought it would turn out to be darker actually, but it became a really nice devilish pink color! I love it. 8D
I still get jealous when I see people with bright hot pink/purple hair okay. Wish my hair wasn't as brittle, :(
When can I ever get bright hair color......
Look for Elein when you book your appointment with Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry and get up to 10% ~ 30% OFF hair services when you quote my name during your visit.
Not forgetting their ongoing promotion, get a MUCOTA Hair treat + Hair cut at only $58!
10 Anson Road, #03-32
International Plaza, Tanjong pagar.
Operating Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30AM – 8:30PM
Sat: 10:30AM – 7:00PM
Sun: Closed
Contact Number: 62233133
Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D