An odd feeling. - VIVIANTIAN'S

An odd feeling.

by - Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rise &shine, Sunday! It feels pretty odd to be waking up late and feeling relaxed. Like I suddenly have zero commitments and worries, waking up to piping hot Egg McMuffin all ready on the dining table waiting for me. It's even more weird to know I don't have to report to any set today.

And odd enough, for the first time in my life, I actually smelled the Sausage Egg McMuffin. It smells surprisingly different from how it tastes. I was discussing with Kimmy and we concluded.... It smells like ikan bills. Honestly, if I were to close my eyes and just smell the food, I would definitely think I am having Nasi Lemak for breakfast, until I bite into it. Hahahahaha

Okay, randomness aside, today is an extremely special day. Because it is the first time in years, I didn't wake up feeling negative. It's really weird because I've never felt this free before.

I remember how I was overseas and travelling a few years back, and the ex-boyfriend kept texting me a whole lot of insecure shit. And then just this year, I went Krabi with a messed up mind because school wouldn't stop bothering me. I remember standing at Aonang beach furiously texting away because of school. Just ugh.....


Life's been tragic, but today's good. How I wish I would wake up feeling like this everyday.

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D