SampleStore: Avalon Beauty — Stem Cell Beauty Drink - VIVIANTIAN'S

SampleStore: Avalon Beauty — Stem Cell Beauty Drink

by - Saturday, October 15, 2016

I was hit by a fizzy blast of sensation in my mouth when I first tried the Avalon Beauty — Stem Cell Beauty Drink. Highly raved by the Taiwanese famous variety show, 女人我最大, the Avalon Stem Cell Beauty Drink helps to restore youth to your skin in just 7 days! Unbelievable? I didn't think I would either without trying this out, hahahaha.

This Stem Cell Beauty Drink contains Cell Young ® Orchid Stem Cell, Premium French Marine Collagen, Acerola Cherry, Litchi Seed Extract, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Olive Extract, Citric Acid, White Grape Juice, Litchi Juice, Apple Juice, Sparkling Water. (Being really frank here, not like you guys would actually understand what these ingredients are or how it helps, but I'm sure there's always google and you can find out more on this product. Plus, this is to help if anyone has allergy to a particular ingredient! Do take note guys!)


All these ingredients are mixed together to produce the Avalon Stem Cell Beauty Drink, which will help you to rejuvenates damaged skin cells, reduces wrinkles & fine lines, restore skin firmness & elasticity, brightens your skin, tighten up the pores, and hydrate hydrate hydrate.

I tried out 10 bottles myself(It actually tastes really nice, like sparkling apple-grape juice 8D), drinking a bottle a day every morning when I wake up, after I brush my teeth. Of course the best time to drink it is right before you sleep, because your skin goes through the most regeneration and repair when you are asleep. I did not actually experience major difference, but I did find my skin more hydrated and firm. There were lesser outbreaks as well, and my skin feels much smoother than before!

You may argue it's because of my skincare or whatnot, but trust me I am one extremely lazy sloth.... Skincare isn't exactly my thing. So thank you SampleStore for sending a pack of Stem Cell Beauty Drink to me to save my soon-to-be sagging skin, hahahahaha. You know how people always say there isn't ugly girls on Earth, only lazy girls.
Iz tru, I iz one legit lazy woman.

But you know no matter how many beauty drinks you take, you will still grow fat and out of shape if you don't workout right? OK YES I KNOW, VIVIAN YOU FAT. :/

The Avalon Stem Cell Beauty Drink is available at Watsons, Unity Pharmacy, ALT, OG, Robinsons, Yue Hwa, www.hibeau.com, retailing at S$69.90 for a box of 10. You can also get 20% OFF when entering code "TSS-20OFF" at checkout on Hibeau.com! There will also be a giveaway on the 17th of October 2016, on the SampleStore's Facebook Page. Don't forget to head over and win yourself a box of Avalon Beauty Drink! To find out more on Avalon Stem Cell Beauty Drink, check out other reviews from other bloggers here!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D