Casual update - VIVIANTIAN'S

Casual update

by - Friday, August 26, 2016

Haven't been updating ze blog because I've either been spending my time on bed like a sloth, or in school like a farming cow. Some of you might remember from my last Bigo session some time back in 3rd August that I was actually a tat bit sick. Yes, it's been 3 weeks, and I am STILL sick. In fact, I lost my voice twice since then. /fml

I've seen the doc twice and gotten myself 4 days MC. Completed a course of antibiotics and many many more anti-inflammation medication. None of them worked. My sore throat came back, so I started taking Strepsils because Idw to go to the doctor again and pay 60 over dollars just for lozenges. And then I lost my voice that very night after taking Strepsils. Like I should have known lah..... In the past everytime I take Strepsils, I end up getting even worse instead, ugh.

School is overwhelming as f.

It's not like I have a hell lot of assignment or what kind of overwhelming.... It's just having to reach school at 9am everyday, and pretty much rot and slack in lessons until 6pm makes it extremely taxing. To make things worse, if I have to stay back and get home really late, my body will not sleep until it's 4am in the morning. And then I will not be able to wake up for 9am lessons, and then I will be lacked of sleep, and then I will be sick and not recover. It's a vicious cycle man.

Suck to be a nocturnal. Feels like some crazy insomniac some times, seriously.

I've also abandoned a lot of my games because my iPhone has problem connecting to the wifi. My data bundle has hit it's peak of 75% too due to PokeGo. Can you imagine how bored I am these days?! Not complaining though, cause to be very honest school isn't all that tough yet and I hope it remains that way. I just don't have a life anymore. Which suck because I can't spend my weekend with Kimmy anymore, :(

Anyway, Kimmy is finally completing his first ever field camp this coming weekend!! Friday to be exact. Haven't talk to him since last Sunday... I was supposed to wake up early on Monday morning so I could talk to him first before he move out for field camp. I ended up over sleeping because of my medication, and missed him in the morning. Kimmy then left his camp without reading my usual morning message to him, T_T
I was so sad yknow. Sad until now. Maybe that's why I'm constantly sick. Sekali it's love sick, and not common flu LOL. You damn BS Vivian

But I am super proud of Kimmy lah! Can't believe 8 weeks of BMT had passed just like that.

Initially had plans for the coming weekend. Actually we always plan our weekends beforehand so we don't waste his 2 precious book-out days doing nothing. It's been really tough to do that recently tho.... Just cause I am a burden, I've been sick for 3 weeks. Plus I can't get up early on weekends anymore cause 9am everyday pretty much killed my soul. I need me some souls man.


Have a great weekend all of you. I'll be very very busy like a bee this coming weekend, mainly cause I've got to meet my director and crew to prepare for our next major project set-up in school while everyone else is sleeping. I guess I will end up staying up the whole night after we done with set-up and then head out to go catch pokemon with Kimmy after that, HAHAHAHAHA. Hold up, my data's exploded... gah.

Okeh update again soon, good night Earthlings

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