Life was good. - VIVIANTIAN'S

Life was good.

by - Monday, September 12, 2016

Remember the last time I updated my blog, I was waiting for Kimmy to finish his field camp. Can't believe here we are right now, fast forward 2 weeks; I attended his POP, and we came back from Krabi already. Wish I had planned a more relaxing trip where we can really enjoy. To be honest, Krabi isn't all that beautiful as seen on images. I was also initially really disappointed at the villa I booked, because I didn't think it would be this small.
On the bright side, people in Krabi are really really friendly. And the experience was a whole new level of relaxing. I'll blog about that another day when I have more time. (Didn't even managed to update my Taiwan travelogue from last December oh god)

Anyway, the Pokeball portable charger finally arrived! Took them exactly 19 days man. When I ordered it on ezbuy.sg, they wrote 9 - 19 days. I obviously did not expect it to hit the maximum waiting time. Guess it was too popular. My friend received it in 1 week tho(?!) Anyway, it arrived nicely packed and safely secured inside the boxes.

There's this tiny little button for you to press to light it up. IT'S FREAKING NICE WHEN IT'S LIT.

I got it at $21 each, before GST. (Ikr, why buy online still need GST) idk how to explain this to you, but there's a custom check to go through before they can ship it into Singapore. It applies for all electronic you buy online.

Only 10,000 mAh tho

Also, I know... I know the same charger exploded somewhere in China. Please stop telling me how dangerous it is. Can we please get out of this sheep mentality already? Just cause one explodes, it doesn't necessarily mean all of it will explode, you know? :/

Just like how not all Note 7 explodes.

I actually dropped it the first day I got it, at a height of approx. 1.3m? The charger survived, and it's still functioning well. I mean... Don't be an idiot and really throw it just because it is a Pokeball, and you'd be fine.

Anyway, here's a link (bit.ly/veevi65) for you to sign up to get $10 credits for you to shop on ezbuy.sg. That means you can get the charger at only $11? Wished I had this link before hahahaha. But of course, there are plenty of other stuff you can get off ezbuy.sg apart from your favourite Pokemon inspired merchandises. You'd be surprised how much stuff $10 can get you, really.

Life has pretty much settled on its own. I completed one major project last week, didn't stayed back as late as I thought(YAS) and now I am on the way of completing the remaining of my assignments. I'm not gonna lie. It is really not easy trying to cope in an unfamiliar environment. Should have really just applied for overseas uni.... Wait, I should have just went out to work. Gave up so many good opportunities to torture myself now is really not worth it, ugh.
Can't wait to finish up the remaining 7 weeks of the semester and go on yet another long ass holiday. Kimmy wouldn't be able to join me though. On the bright side, I still get to see him every weekend hahaha.

And it's convocation next Friday!

FINALLLLYYYYYYY. Feels like I waited an entire year for this day to come. I'm gonna finally meet my mates from diploma again. Even tho they can really act like little shits some times, but I really appreciate them now, and the times we spent together. They're such an amazing bunch.... I mean, who else brings booze into class and party until we get chased out by the securities every night?

Gone were the flexible schedule where we don't even have to attend classes to learn anything. Instead, we go to school to hang out because that's what school exists for, for us back then.

Life WAS amazing.

That said, I think we need a graduation trip.


Hold up, I haz school.


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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D