Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry - VIVIANTIAN'S

Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry

by - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

[ S P O N S O R E D - P O S T ]

Time for a new look again! Squeezed some time out to pop by Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry last week. Initially had more casting calls coming but schedule got changed. Quite elated to know I am finally getting a color I desired, with minimal damage. HURRAY TECHNOLOGY! But of course, skills play a huge part. Without the amazing skills from my stylists, these color are close to impossible on my head.

I was born with thin and brittle hair. Meaning a single bleaching is enough to break everything apart and bleaching is totally not recommended for my head. But with good stylist constantly looking out for my hair and giving me tips on how I should take care, my hair condition really improved a lot.

And finally!! After half a year with Headlines Hairdressing, with all the constant treatment and pamper session, the fateful day has come. I am finally bleaching my hair!! Of course not going full head blonde lah, hahaha. Just the ends of my mane, getting that slight ombre look to welcome the monkey year!

To be honest, Elein was extremely against me bleaching my hair. Because she tried so hard to take care of my hair for me and there I am, dying to damage it all over again. But I really really miss those crazy colors days..... :(
So she grant my wish by just bleaching the already damaged area, that honestly cannot be saved.

After one round of bleaching.....

You can see how dry it is after one round of bleaching. Can't imagine me going through another round of it.... I'm glad the bleaching managed to get my hair light enough for my desired color, so I didn't have to go through too many rounds of bleaching, hehehehe.

And then it's time.....

Top it up with my long awaited color!

I've been wanting a nice purple head for a really long time now. But because my hair type belongs to the thin and brittle category, so I am not allowed to bleach unless I want to go bald. #Suckstobeme

There are so many things I want to do with my hair, like going platinum blonde, going ash grey, and have lilac/baby pink hair, so and so.... But these are a bunch of far-fetched dream that even money cannot achieve. YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SAD I IZ. T_T

So I shall be contented with just normal purple that can be seen under sunlight..... Any brighter and I'll be bald.

And........... Ta-dah! I haz me sum purple hairz for ze new year!! Last year before I joined Headlines Hairdressing, I did some purple too, but it was quite a disaster. It didn't really turn out well, and it ruined my nicely bleached hair entirely. Thank goodness the purple actually came out this time. I was so worried, but Eleine assured me that it can be seen. And it did!! 8D

Nice right, nice right, nice right. You got to say nice because this is the brightest I can go. If you say no, I will be so sad I think I might just risk going bald and bleach it 7 times. I'm just kidding.

Here's how my hair look after 1 week! #Yay!

That red tinge slowly gets wash off, and becomes dark purple! Super chio lah. A pity that I am still quite tan now. Otherwise the purple would look so much nicer on me, back when I was 3 tones fairer than I am now!

Right now I can't wait for the purple to fade till it's at it's lilac stage, hehehehe. I wonder how would it look! 8D

Look for Elein when you book your appointment with Headlines Hairdressing by Artistry and get up to 10% ~ 30% OFF hair services when you quote my name, "VIVIANTIAN".

10 Anson Road, #03-32
International Plaza, Tanjong pagar.

Operating Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30AM – 8:30PM
Sat: 10:30AM – 7:00PM
Sun: Closed

Contact Number: 62233133

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D