Eighteen Chefs @ Cineleisure - VIVIANTIAN'S

Eighteen Chefs @ Cineleisure

by - Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Hello! I am finally back with an update! Sorry again, for being so inactive. I got kidnapped by the lazy bacteria and started rotting at home ever since. Anyway, today, I'm going to introduce you one of my favorite restaurant of all time! Not only the food is awesome, the chef is awesome, even the come about of the store is awesome!

Yes, as you've guessed. It's Eighteen Chefs!

Cathay Cineleisure Orchard

Some of you had read it on my blog before, some of you haven't. But fret not, I'm gonna write about it all over again today because every single time I visit the store, I feel different. Hahahahaha!

Before I start blabbering about food, here is some information that some of you might be interested to know! You may also scroll down straight to the food in case this is too wordy. But it's definitely worth your brainwidth!!

You see... Ever since the other food tasting session I had with OpenRice, I've always love visiting 18chefs. Chef Benny, who is also known as Boss Benny, had opened 18chefs because be feels that everyone deserves a second chance. Why would I say that? Actually 18chefs hires ex-convicts, school drop-outs, delinquents and so on. Because Chef Benny himself used to be a rather rebellious kid, he realized how hard it is for him to get a job due to his past. So he founded 18chefs, with hopes to inspire youths-at-risk find an alternate way of integrating into the society. Regardless of where you're from and what is your background!

This also leads to the reason why 18chefs is 18chefs! You know how gangs always name themselves with numbers, like some kind of secret code or something hahaha. And 18chefs was bornnnnn! Chef Benny is super nice to be sharing his story with us. There's actually a lot more to why he established 18chefs, but I feel it's better if you head down to experience yourself!

This time, I went with the rest of the CNOS peeps. And I could finally let Clint try the awesome heart attack fried rice and 64° egg that I've been raving about!!

My all time favorite Root Beer Float! I like how they always contain their drinks in such cute jars!! If only I can take one home, hahahaha!

Lemon Tea!

French Toast with Garlic Confeit!
One of their signature dishes. If you're a garlic lover, you should totally try this. It's French Toast with their unique roasted garlic sauce!

The legendary 64° egg!

Not easy to cook this I swear. I tried, and failed miserably.... One main reason is because the eggs has to be boiled at 64° for an hour, and then put into cold water to cool to stop the "cooking process". And I obviously suck at heat control considering how I always explode my macarons.

The egg has got this gooey texture, and it's not too stiff. It's just right like a jelly like that. Can you imagine eating a jelly made of egg? Okay, maybe you can't. Visit 18chefs to try!!

The Heart Attack Fried Rice comprises of Beef Steak and a bowl of classic Soya Fried Rice that Chef Benny added into the menu because his mom would always fry soya fried rice for him when he was young. Using the oil from the Beef Steak, they fry the rice with dark soya sauce and garlic. So the fried rice smells really nice, and tastes really awesome too! Beef and garlic lovers, you should totally try this!

They also have breakfast menu that comprises of the French Toast, 64° egg, Baked Beans and side salad! It's available all day!


Freshly baked brownies with sticky chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I've never liked brownies because they are always super sweet. Probably cause I haven't got any chance to taste some awesome brownie until I got to know of 18chefs! Their brownie isn't too sweet but still has the super chocolatey taste!

Rasberries & Vanilla Ice Cream Waffle!

The waffle is really crispy and soft on the inside! The sourness in the raspberry sauce neutralized the sweetness from the Vanilla Ice Cream! So it tastes just perfect!

Just Chocolate in a Jar.

As the name says, JUSTTTTTTT CHOCOOLATESSSSS in a super duper adorable jar. M&Ms sprinkled on 4 scoops of chocolate ice-cream topped with chocolate sauce and roasted almond flakes. Oh and I forgot to mention their prices are super reasonable as well!!

They have have student meals all day as long as you flash your student pass!
Have a look at their menu! *Click to enlarge*

Okay, now for the exciting part. I know I've always been talking about food food food and never "treat" you all ah. So this time, I'm gonna treat 1 lucky reader of mine to a meal at Eighteen Chefs! Shiok right..... 8D

I'll be giving away $20 cash dining voucher to that lucky one of you out there!
Copy and paste this on Twitter, or write anything you wish and I'll do a random draw!

"HEART ATTACK at 18chefs! #dokivee"

Remember to hashtag #dokivee and follow me up on Twitter @Veeviisme! Or else I can't DM you if you win!
Alternatively, people with no Twitter, don't worry! The contest is up on Facebook as well!
Click here!
The giveaway ends on 7th July 2013, 23:59hrs! The winner will be contacted by Monday!

Thank you for reading!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D