Maintenance. - VIVIANTIAN'S


by - Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Apologies for the lack of updates. My life had been crazy for the past few days! First was the intense haze and all, and getting a new job, and yesterday's horrendous hailstorm... I'm not even joking. Now it's my blog.. All the images had been blocked by Photobucket because my 10GB bandwidth had exceeded.

In case some of you don't know what does bandwidth means over here, it's actually the amount of memory they host for your photos. For example, 1 photo = 1MB. 10 views would mean 10MB! And the total amount of my photos took up 10GB for this month! I have to wait till end of the month before they reset my bandwidth and host my photos on my blog again. Yep, right now you're seeing empty icon that writes "Look who's popular".

As a result, I will be revamping my whole blog layout, and start hosting my photos on the blog host itself. I am actually contemplating on shifting over to wordpress, but exporting and transferring of blog posts is so tedious!! So I guess I'm just gonna stay on blogger and try get used to uploading photos using their uploader.

Month of June is coming to an end. We're almost half way through the year already! And I still haven't done anything productive. Work will still be my first priority because I am really poor right now... So bear with the stupid photobucket icons for just a couple more days. It will reset soon enough!


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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D