A Better Florist

Get your blooms delivered in 3 simple steps:
Pick a bouquet, set a time and date, deliver away!
A Better Florist is an online florist catered to people who are unable to drop by an actual florist to purchase their blooms. From bouquet to deliveries, A Better Florist efficiently covers every single part of it with just a few clicks away.
They deliver islandwide, all over Singapore, and the best part? The do same-day deliveries too! They generally deliver from 9am - 6pm every day of the week, just pick a time slot within the time frame, and you'll be able to send your love over in no time.
A Better Florist also does customisation for their customers. From fruit baskets to succulents, just drop them an enquiry and they will get back to you within 24 hours. This is my second time receiving plants from them, with the first being the Little Elfie during Christmas, and I really love how particular they are with the cards and wishes! They are extremely efficient and careful with the blooms, so you can rest assure that the flowers get to your loved ones in the best condition ever.
Hop over to their website over here and have a look at their catalogue! The flowers are while stock lasts, so don't miss the best offers.
Use this promo code: veeviisme10 while making purchase to get $10 OFF your order! (Valid till 9 August)
Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D