PinkyParadise: Gemini Day/Night Series - VIVIANTIAN'S

PinkyParadise: Gemini Day/Night Series

by - Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Helluuuuu! I know it's been a while, yes yes... As usual. I've been working a lot lately thus the lack of update. Anyway, here's yet another pair of new lenses that I've been rocking for a while. Really love the colors, but it gets a tat bit uncomfortable when it comes to wearing it for long hours, :(

Before I go into more details, don't forget to check out my lovable sponsor who never fails to update me whenever they have new lenses on their list!


These beautiful lenses come in 2 different series: Day & Night
The Day series is a single tone circle lenses meaning there is only 1 solid color whereas the Night series comes in 2 tones, giving your eyes a lil bit more dimension for the sexy look. (Woa woa, all the chimology terms coming out hahahhha)

I'm not the type that goes for super thick eye make up, so I took the Day series. Looks more normal on me, hahahahahaha

As mentioned, these pair of lenses are really not suitable to wear for long hours. It gets really dry and would just drop out whenever you blink. It's comfortable for the first 6 hours tho, maybe it's just my eyes.....

Not gonna discount on its beauty though! Hehehe, I really love them but too bad it's a monthly lens.

Thank you for coming back here to check out my nonsensical posts and reviews againnnnn, I really appreciate your audience because I understand how inactive I've been but you guys still stuck around. Mehehehehe.
If you are looking for any lenses, don't forget to check out Pinkyparadise, they have free shipping for orders above $49! And all their lenses are really pretty!!

Update soon, xo!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D