Klenspop: Bunny 4 Color BE12

Brightening up my CNY with a pair of really glittery Bunny 4 Color BE12 from Klenspop. It's been a while since I last wrote a review for them because I've had a terrible eye infection after hair dye went into my eye. I received these pair of lenses back in early January, but I wasn't able to wear it until it was close to Chinese New Year period. :(
I was so sad because I personally chose this pair of lenses to try.... but was unable to wear them until a month later.

The lenses looked really sheer when it's in the bottle. It looks almost transparent, but it is also because of it's sheer design, that it gives off a glittering effect on my eyes!

It takes a while to get used to these pair of lenses. It is slightly bigger than your normal 14.8mm, creating a ring around your iris, giving off a glittery effect!

Like every other klenspop's lenses, they are extremely comfortable. That is also one reason why I always get my lenses from them. Because all their lenses are so comfortable, and keeps me refresh throughout the entire day! I really hate it when circle lenses start to get dry and uncomfortable after a long long day. It starts to sting my eyeballs and gets really hard to remove because it's too dry. Thankfully I'm over those lousy and fake circle lenses days hahaha.

Oh! And 1 important thing to note, beware of fake lenses that might destroy your eye sight! It's terrible because some lens seller online that does "XXX Brand spree" are actually lying about the lifespan of the lenses. For example, the actual lifespan of the lenses is only 1 month, they would tell you it's 6 months.
If it's 6 months, they will tell you it's 1 year.
So always take note when purchasing lenses from such "Sprees". Ask for their official certificate for verification, or license! Better yet, don't even order from them! Does it even make sense that each pair of lenses can go as low as S$6? :/

Anyway! Thank you so much Klenspop. You guys never fail to shower me with beautiful lenses to get me ready for any occasion. My friends have started taking note of my eye/eye make-up more nowadays because the lenses brightens up my eyes so much!

Don't forget to check out Klenspop Special Sales for amazing offers! Free shipping for orders over $80. Get your friends and order together!
Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D