Headline Hairdressing: MUCOTA 3-step hair treatment!
Popped by my hair doctor the other day to get some intense hair treatment. My hair, having been in a horrible shape ever since the last hair dye, needed some extreme norishing otherwise it will look super dry and fried. Not forgetting that dirty blonde that I can never get rid of.... Sigh. It only makes me hair looks even more damaged. Can't wait to fix it and go back to dark colors haha.
I am still not looking to dye my hair again any time soon because I wanted to let more healthy hair grow out first. Right now my black roots is about 2cm only? I'll probably touch up the black roots and do a make-over once my roots grow to about 5cm? Still a long long way to go, XD
Linus was extremely shock at the condition of my hair when I stepped into the salon. It was amusing because he didn't think it will end up that bad. I was supposed to return for my session around 2 weeks earlier? But I was too busy, so it ended up delaying until now. Which pretty much explains the poor condition of my fried head.
Linus helped gave my hair an awesome session of MUCOTA's 3 step treatment, which will reveal the smooth and shine that's being hidden by the fried, frizzy outlook of my mane.
You'll be surprised how MUCOTA's treatment can actually get rid of frizz for good!

The results is immediate, and I swear it is pretty amazing. I am now ready for the F1 Sky Grande Prix this coming Saturday! Hehehehehe.
I'm gonna look so fabz for the party, WOOHOOO.
Thank you Linus!!
10 Anson Road, #03-32
International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Book an appointment with Linus @ +65 6223 3133
Pamper yourself with their MUCOTA Treatment today!
Quote "VIVIAN TIAN" and enjoy 10% ~ 30% off when booking your appointment!
Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D