Naoki Yoshihara by Ash
I had been complaining all day about my flat, ugly, boring hair, that's filled with untameable frizz and horrendous black roots but I just didn't have the time and cash to do something about it. And it makes me depressed when I see long pretty locks like these.

My hair had been in a terrible condition ever since I bleached my ends and went ombre last year. And my hair grows at a snail rate

But one day, I received a magical email (like one of those from Hogwarts. *Adds imaginary fairy dust*), that brought me to these couple of hair magicians! They never fail to amaze me with their hands! I think they are fairies gifted to Earth to bring beauty to Earthlings.
As quoted from Clint, "They made Vivi's face from O to V shape!".
Fine, I admit I have a mooncake face,

And so, I made a trip down to Naoki Yoshihara by Ash at Liang Court yesterday to let the hair wizards werk their spells, hehehe. Thank you so much for having me!!
Ash (Arte Straits Holdings Pte. Ltd.), hugely popular Japanese hair salon chain with more than 100 salons around Tokyo and Yokohama area, has opened their first salon, Naoki Yoshihara by Ash in Singapore! Ash introduces the latest hair service which attracts about 1.2 million Japanese customers in a year!

Someone is finally gonna save my head of disaster! Omfg, that fringe, black roots, frizzed and damaged ends and protruding jaw bone, *questionswhyamIevenaliveagain* My inner goddess does not allow that image and she's trying super hard to annihilate that woman in the photo.

I got seated down on the holy seat that would transform me into a drop dead gorgeous beauty, HAHAHA JOKING. And waited for the sorting hat(The stylists: Teiji Ishizawa, Head of ASH group's creative team and Kelvin Cheong) to determine a hairstyle for me. To be honest, I didn't really know what kind of hairstyle I want because my hair isn't really long and it's so damaged I honestly couldn't think of what I could do to save it. Plus I have natural curls, and there are a lot of hair styles I couldn't pull off.
After a short discussion which took about 5 mins by the stylists, Teiji-san decided to give me layers so as to create volume, and bangs to make me look kawaii! So I got my hair washed, dried, and then proceeded to cutting. Everything happened so quick, I have no idea how did it even happened! But the outcome was.....

So asdfghjklzxc chio I almost couldn't recognise myself. Can you see the difference?! My mooncake face turned into a V! My face became so so much smaller!!
I honestly have no idea how did this happen, *cries tears of joy*
After that they proceeded to colouring. They want to give me a rather kawaii and young look, so Teiji-san choosed hot pink on my head. By mentioning hot pink, you must be thinking I'll end up looking like Katy Perry or so, but no! No bleaching, hahahahaha!
So it's just maroon! And they're using new Shiseido Hair colour products, so it's not very harsh on our scalp!

The end results! I really love those soft curls they did to my hair! And all they did was blow drying and nothing else! It was all really simple colouring and cutting, I can't believe they could produce such amazing results! My frizz is gone, my black roots had been touched up, and my damaged bleach ends had been chop off, but still maintaining the hair length! (Is that even possible?!) Thank you so muchhhhh, Teiji-san and Kelvin-channnn~~ XD
Damn chio... I can't even.... T_T......
My hair looks so much healthier and thicker now that the ugly blonde ends are gone!
Naoki Yoshihara by ASH
Liang Court
177 River Valley Road #02-15/16
Singapore 179030
Opening this coming Monday, 15th July 2013!
Special discounted price of 30% off for all new customers!
All stylists are trained in Japan and certified by the founder of ASH, Naoki Yoshihara himself! Three stylists, including one Japanese stylist had came back from training in Yokohama with the latest knowledge and techniques in hair dressing to station at their first outlet in Singapore located at Liang Court! Teiji Ishizawa, the head of ASH group's creative team will also be in Singapore during it's opening period! You'll definitely loved to have your hair done by them.
Price range starts from SGD$28~ for a haircut.
Don't miss this great deal!
LIKE their Facebook page and keep yourself updated!
Any questions, you can always mail to: :D