Reviewing the Flavor of Life with Lao Xie Zhen Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey - VIVIANTIAN'S

Reviewing the Flavor of Life with Lao Xie Zhen Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey

by - Friday, September 24, 2021

Hellu! It’s been a while! The lovely people from HaoYiKang sent over a box Lao Xie Zhen’s Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey for me to try! As most of you know, I have a collective list of autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions going on and they have since been in remission, and I am on my journey of recovery! Getting my body back in shape is very important, because if I am not careful, I may risk a flare up again. So here’s a box of King of Herbs, perfected with Manuka Honey!

With 90 years of history, Lao Xie Zhen brings along their newest addition, the Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey. Formulated with white ginseng, and American ginseng, the combination gives a perfect balance making it mild and suitable for daily consumption! Best part, it also consists of Manuka Honey UMF5+, which is known to help improve gut health, supply quick boost of energy, enhances healing properties and a healthier alternative to caffeinated products!

Comes in box of 7 or 14, the bottles are packed conveniently in the slots, so you don’t have to unpack them and leave some half opened box lying around. I am personally a fan of ginseng, having suckled on ginseng slices since a kid, so I was very excited to try. Especially since having started to work from home, the stagnation and lethargy is real. Not complaining, cause I really love sleeping until 1 minute before I start work, but that also means I flip open my desktop with ultra sleepy eyes. So if there’s a healthy booster, I’mma take it.

Each bottle contains White Ginseng & American Ginseng from Changbai Mountain, enhanced with Manuka Honey UMF5+ from New Zealand through 12 stages of advanced extraction method. They are rich in ginsenosides, methylglyoxal (MGO), amino acids, vitamins & minerals, and 100% natural with no additives, preservatives, xanthan gum.

Ginseng is known to combat fatigue, protect liver functions, boost concentration & focus, anti-inflammatory effects, and provides antioxidant protection, just a few to name. All of which I really need, because of long term medication and chronic conditions, I get really tired easily with my body overworking all the time tryna’ fight all the antibodies.

With the addition of Manuka Honey, it also supports gut health & digestion, aid in wound healing, and boost your energy level with each bottle everyday!

First mistake I made opening my very first bottle was forgetting to shake it. I kid you not, the ginseng taste was so overwhelming I choked on my first sip. /putsbackthelidandshake…….. The well mixed content tasted so much better, hahahahaha. Strong ginseng taste but this time with lingering sweetness from the Manuka Honey. I usually take 1 glass every morning after I brush my teeth, and then I go about with my day. I realized I don’t take afternoon naps anymore a few days after I started this new regime! It is recommended to take after breakfast though, so don’t be lazy like me hahaha.

Did you also know that ginseng actually helps improve mental health? With the rise of working from home, things can get a little bit stale and boring coping up at home. I’m sure a lot of you stay stuck on your chair if not bed for most part of the day! So if you a working adults, individuals with mental stress or looking for caffeine alternatives and require a boost of energy, check out Lao Xie Zhen’s Premium Ginseng Essence with Manuka Honey!

Check out their website: https://haoyikang.sg/. Don’t forget to drop them a follow on their Facebook and Instagram too!

Thank you so much, Hao Yi Kang for sending these over for me to try. I really love it!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D