

by - Saturday, July 18, 2020

I don't know if you guys saw it, but I've been actively promoting my new eyelash sponsor EYELOVEIT.sg(also opened by my bestfriend) on my Instagram. Was honestly never a fan of thick fluffy lashes, because I've always thought it to be really unnatural and uncomfortable. But my favorite bitch just started her new venture, I gave her all the freedom to customize one set of pretty lashes for me.

Here's my freshly done Camellia Lash! I've honestly always thought thick lashes to be weird on me because I used to put on falsies when I go performing and it made my eye look really long and ....... evil. LOL. Anyway, here's a set of pretty Camellia that makes your eyes pop. According to my stylist, Camellia lashes are freestyle lashes where they attach a random amount of faux lashes to your natural lash to create the look. Unlike when you go for 3D, 5D, 6D, they have a fixed amount of faux lashes attached to your natural ones. 3 strands for 3D, 5 strands for 5D, and 6 strands for 6D so on and so forth. (I didn't even know there were so much science to this!)

Here's a before and after. My eyes don't look that sleepy anymore! Now I can effortlessly look ready for life instead of looking like I haven't seen light in eons, hahahahaha.

The lashes are also extremely soft and fluffy, it feels really light as if there isn't anything there at all. I don't know if you could tell, but it's really really soft and lighttttt!! First day after my extension, I woke up rubbing my eyes because I still wasn't used to it and it didn't even felt like there was anything there. Until I tangled a few strands and it was tugging so hard, it hurt like hell, lmao.

Next concern is obviously the retention. Many girls are afraid of wasting their money because the eyelashes usually won't last for more than 2 weeks and then you'll have to return for touch up at 2 weeks mark or so in most places. Here's a shot of my 2 weeks(16 days to be exact) Camellia lash, with all of my random tugging. It is still recommended to do your bi-weekly touch ups, but you can rest assured EYELOVEIT.sg's extension can definitely retain much longer than that before your touch-up session.

Here's touch up on Day 16, she gave me even fuller lashes hahahaha. Either go big or go home yaw. But I have to say it is really pretty and I don't have to waste too much time on eye makeup anymore. It does get a bit of getting used to having shelter in your vision, but effortless good looks over that anytime, hueheuhue.

No eyeliner or mascara needed. Time to throw em all away!

Here's an opening promo for new customers, get $10 OFF when you book your appointment with EYELOVEIT.sg. Her services come with lash spa and lash cleaning as well. You'll also get free Under Eye Hydrogen Gel Mask, and pre-application of eyelash serum to strengthen your eyelashes before the session starts.

Each session can take up to 3 hours because of her pre eyelash care, so do make sure you are not rushing for time when you book your session with her!

Last but not least, you can book your appointments over at her handles-
Instagram: @eyeloveit.sg
Facebook: @eyeloveit.sg


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  1. Your eyes are so lovely. Anything goes pretty on you. Thanks for sharing!!


Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D