
Dear Me,

by - Friday, October 18, 2019

It’s been a long 27 years together, and yet I still don't know you well. So much had happened, so much had been lost. Especially, me. So from here on forth, I will get to know you better so that we’d get along.

I know you've done your best, and you’ve worked really hard. I'm sorry that I didn't value you enough to let you grow while you were soaring high. Sorry that I mistreated you and allowed so many people in to hurt you.

Sorry I made you feel so small that you've forgotten how it feels like to live for yourself. I’m sorry for making you work so hard, you forgot about taking care of yourself. And I’m really sorry for trying to kill you when you thought life had reached its end, it has not. It must have been hard on you dealing with everything on your own. You must have wanted to run away so many times crying a river.

Ultimately, I’m sorry that I didn't love you enough.

Regardless the hurdles and setbacks, you’ve always held out with a smile. So thank you for staying strong. Thank you for still staying around. And that's why, from now on, I want you to be happy. I want you to truly live. Forget about yesterday, forget about everything that hurts. Live for today, live for yourself. Spend every waking day thinking about your future, and getting to know yourself better.

What do you want to do? What are your favorite food and colors? What are your dreams?

Let’s find the answers again.

Stay strong and do our best.
You got this.

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D