Expressions: VIP Body Systems
Following up my super detox program with Expressions Wellness, my consultant suggested I try one of their fat burning/toning treatment known as the VIP Body Systems. I was actually pretty surprise to know that there are actually so much sciences to slimming. Do you know, cutting down weight is not the only key point of slimming?
Truth is it may be helpful to your bones and joints when you cut weight, so your weight doesn't wear out your joints so quickly. But there is still a risk if your fat percentage doesn't go down, or when your muscle percentage goes down the same time as your fat percentage. Which is why I always feel, relying on BMI isn't at all accurate.
The machine that measures your height, weight, fat/muscle percentage!
Even after cutting down on weight, and fat percentage, there is this really important aftermath that you have to take care of. The toning process to prevent loose and saggy skin!
What's the point of being skinny but still having that extra layer of flabs dangling right?!
To prevent my extra belly fats from dangling out, my consultant let me try out the VIP Body Systems treatment. It was said that you could even see immediate results if your body is able to absorb the treatment fast! I could perhaps see a thigh gap soon?!?!
Getting all prepped up, and then I get wrapped in these bunch of velcro wraps that release infrared rays, controlled by the massive machine right there!
Expressions' VIP Body Systems helps to reduce excess weight, fat, cellulite, slack skin and fluid retention. During the process, you could feel zapping of rays that will leave your skin feeling numb after the treatment. But the rays are actually really bearable.
The consultant will first allow you to try the lowest level, to get used to the zaps first. Afterwards, she would slowly increase the voltage to the level that you are able to tolerate. So no worries about pain or getting electrocuted. They are really safe and experienced with their services!
During the treatment, the machine will release infrared rays to your skin directly. The rays will penetrate deeply in a unidirectional way, without any dispersion.
The rays will facilitate heat transmission to the tissues, producing a thermal action that stimulates the discharging of fat and increase metabolism.
Fun Fact:
What are Infrared Rays?
* Infrareds are short waves having properties to transmit heat to the tissues, penetrating deeply.
* The tissues stimulated by the radiation increase metabolism, with an immediate effect of a better blood circulation.
With increased metabolism, your body will be able to burn off fats more actively.
Why are Infrared so effective?
* When positioned in contact on the skin infrared rays produce a thermal action on that stimulates the discharging of fat
* The rays , given out by a particular source, penetrates in a unidirectional way ,without any dispersion
* The concentration of the energy-heat on the single area improves the blood flow and a quicker Combustion of the excess fat.
I was told that one session of the therapy is equivalent to 300 sit-ups and a weight loss of up to 1.5kg can be expected! Honestly amazing!

I did not actually lost a significant amount immediately after the treatment, but what was amazing about it is that, I could actually feel my tummy toned up by quite a bit! My tummy is less flabby right after the treatment, hahahahahaha.
Left the outlet feeling fabulous, hehehehe.
If any of you have any occasion to attend where you have to look bikini ready, just pop by Expressions Wellness anytime, and have the consultants get your ready!
Thank you so much, Expressions for helping me look good and slender once again. Can't wait to get back to my ideal weight of 42kg again! :)
121 Penang Road #01-02 Regency House
Singapore 238464
6235 9890
10:30 am - 8:30 pm Mon - Fri
10:00 am - 5:30 pm Sat - Sun
Upper Thomson
2 Sin Ming Road #01-06 Sin Ming Plaza
Singapore 575583
6358 1555
10:30 - 8:00 Mon - Fri,
10:00 - 5:00 Alternate Sat - Sun
More information can be found at their website:
Not forgetting the goodies!
Quote "GIVEME10" and get 10% off all products and service vouchers during checkout at Expressions! Don't forget to include my name in the comment session!
121 Penang Road #01-02 Regency House
Singapore 238464
6235 9890
10:30 am - 8:30 pm Mon - Fri
10:00 am - 5:30 pm Sat - Sun
Upper Thomson
2 Sin Ming Road #01-06 Sin Ming Plaza
Singapore 575583
6358 1555
10:30 - 8:00 Mon - Fri,
10:00 - 5:00 Alternate Sat - Sun
More information can be found at their website:
Not forgetting the goodies!
Quote "GIVEME10" and get 10% off all products and service vouchers during checkout at Expressions! Don't forget to include my name in the comment session!
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