Nano Singapore Vitamins!

Voted No.1 in All-Natural Products by Natural Health 2019, Nano Singapore had became the ultimate go-to for different kinds of supplements in Singapore! Don't judge, but me and my friends are at the age where we have to consider adding vitamins into our daily routine, hahahha. I remember reading somewhere that when you hit 25, your body starts to slow down and lose nutrients faster than before you were 25. So vitamins become really essential in helping your body absorb more nutrients or replace what you lose everyday! Especially now that I am ... 29.... and with autoimmune disease, vitamins are all the more important for me to avoid a flare up or bad joints.

The nice people at Nano Singapore sent over a bottle of Turmeric Gummies and Multivitamin for kids to let me and my nephew try out!

The health benefits of turmeric is a widely known fact that I've been wanting to try out for a really long time. Turmeric is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that helps fight foreign invaders and fix damages in your body. Long term inflammation can cause the immune system to become confuse and attack your own body. That's why food and vitamin with anti-inflammation properties are really important! These are just a few of turmeric benefits to name, but the preparation of actual turmeric into my meals are sooooo tough! And eating turmeric on its own is just.... blegh. So here's a blended gummy formula with black pepper, making it taste less bad hahahaha. Even for the gummies tho, it's a little spicy and has a really strong taste, but you get used to it as you go. I eventually got to love the taste!
One bottle comes with 120 gummies, it is recommended to take 2 per day, so one bottle like this can last you for 2 months!

The Multivitamin for kids has the same texture as the Turmeric gummies but it tastes so so much better, hahaha. There's a really strong berry taste, and I quote my little nephew, it's sweet and berri-y! But maybe just a tat bit too sweet for the kids. So mommas that are looking for multi-vits for your kids, you can try this out! Because the taste is really nice, and that would help them to love their vitamins!

I personally am very bad with routines. That said, I even forget my meds occasionally until my bones start to ache, or my rashes start to appear hahaha. So I store them in the fridge, so everytime I grab a drink, I'd remember to take my vits! xD I'm planning to get myself some melatonin fix with their Melatonin Gummies, maybe I can finally sleep at night and not stay up until the unholy hours of the morning.

Check out Nano Singapore for more kinds of supplements! Don't forget to take your vitamins!
Any questions, you can always mail to: :D