DIY Kalimba with Kalimba Hub

I got to paint and customize my own Kalimba with Kalimba Hub the other day! Brought along the husband to have some fun after being stuck at home for months.
In case you're not familiar with Kalimba, it is actually a westernized version of the African traditional instrument, Mbira. Chords are very similar to playing the piano but it goes in reverse! It is very easy to pick up and creates really soothing, tingly sounds!
Of course it's not that easy to be playing like April Yang the moment you get your hands on the Kalimba. But it can be done with lotsa practice hahaha. It's pretty much like playing O2Jam with your thumbs!
It was a 3 hours workshop consisting of painting your own Kalimba shell, then fixing in the Kalimba keys, last but not the least, the tuning of your Kalimba! The course also gives a really simple beginners' score of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and then the teachers will teach you how to play it. By the end of the class you can hear everyone getting excited on their own Kalimba trying to play their Twinkies Stars XD
It's been a while since I painted, so I let my paint bug go loose and did my own snowfield! Wanted to achieve the aurora effect but this was so impromptu, I didn't want to stress myself with all the paint mixing and preparations, hahaha.
Here's me lining up my keys while waiting for the paint to dry. You got to make sure you line your keys correctly otherwise once it's screwed in, you're screwed. (pun intended)
Le husband's umm... 'Roadtrip'. He named it 'Roadtrip', hahahhahahaha. &my 'Snowfield'! Singapore too hot ah, one has gotta dream to live in order to live the dream yknow.
The teachers will then walk around to help you screw in the Kalimba keys before tuning it for you. They will then teach you how the tuning works so you can tune it yourself with the tuning hammer if it goes out of tune after you go home!

And here's my finished Kalimba! Trust me when I say you'll get hooked onto learning how to play this. This is now my new road trip necessity! Prolly why Kimmy named his Kalimba, 'Roadtrip', hahahahaha.
You can sign up for the Kalimba Workshop at their website. It was overall a really fun and chill workshop for both of us, and we had a lot of fun! I would really recommend for parents to bring their kids along for this though, I'm sure the children will have so much fun painting their own Kalimbas! Or a different kinda date-out surprise for your other halves? Hehehe.
Limited slots available for their March workshop, hurry over and RSVP, don't miss it!
Check out other participants' Kalimba: Instagram | Facebook
Any questions, you can always mail to: :D