Montigo Resorts Batam: Chef's Experience
Woke up at 9AM day 2 for our Chef's Experience at TIIGO's. We were told to have our breakfast first over at Tadd's before looking for the Chef for our mini fishing trip. Nope, we did not go out to the sea. They have a mini pond area that they barricaded just for us to fish, hahaha.
We were supposed to fish for our own lunch lah, but .... looking at how terrible I am at it, it was clear that we were gonna go back empty handed. Kimmy managed to get a bite, but the fishy swam away with his bait, hahahahaha. It started raining super heavily half way and so we left. Yes, left empty handed. LOL. Thank god the Chef had already prepare the fish for our lunch so it's okay.
Most of the activity will be held at this cafe/bar called TIIGO. The Chef will have an area set up for you to cook later on, so you can grab yourself a drink and chill here if you want to! The Chef's Experience package includes a foot massage as well! After our breakfast and "fishing trip", we headed for the foot massage located at the other end of the resort.
I personally am not a fan of lemon grass, but I've got to say the lemon grass massage oil they used felt really good hahahaha. The massage was so soothing I almost fell asleep. A terribly lagging game of ML managed to keep me awake though, xD
After that we went back to TIIGO and got prepared to be a master chef! Lulllll.
TIIGO is a cafe/restaurant by day, and turns into a bar by night. There will be Dj spinning for you at night and you can chill and hang out here to play pool or whatnot for all you want!
Down side is they close pretty early though. Would think they'd open till late midnight or something but they're only opened till 11PM on weekends. :(
Such a waste. I would chill here till late night and rot in my personal pool at the villa the next day for the entire day to be honest, hahahha. Oh well.
Next up was our turn to burn the kitchen! Hahahahaha kidding. The chef came out to guide us on how to make numerous different traditional Indonesia dish! From cutting the vegetables yourself, to cooking it and then plating it! Talk about satisfaction, x)
The chef is extremely patient and nice. He will guide you through from teaching you how to cut the vegetables, and the sequence of frying each ingredient to prep for the (inserts food name that I forgot). Update: OH IT'S CALLED GADO GADO.
Then we proceeded to marinating the fish with this super nice chili paste. But I swear, Batam is the land of lemongrass. The chef wanted to put lemongrass into almost every single dish. And I am allergic to lemongrass, :(
We also got to wrap out own Pepes Ikan. It's something like otah, but the meat are in chunks, wrapped with banana leaf and then you boil it. It tasted amazing, I swear. But again, lemongrass. I added lemongrass into 2 of the otahs, and left out the other two. The one without tasted nicer, HAHAHAHA. Ok, fine. I'm biased. Kimmy liked the one with lemongrass better hahaha.
While the Pepes Ikan is cooking, we plate our own Gado Gado! Hahahaha you'd be surprise how this actually can look like some fine dining dish.
Chef's example!
Kimmy's in progress
&then there's me, LOL.
While Kimmy is plating his Gado Gado, I was cooking this ..... Pepes Ikan in soup form. HAHAHAHA. IM SORRY I CANNOT REMEMBER THE NAME!! But it's pretty much the same ingredient, you boil it into a curry based kind of dish with fish inside instead. Super, duper amazing.
All that's left now is, wait! Hahaha wait for all the stuff to be cooked and we are alllll done.
Ah, boy. Ask you cook, you use phone use phone, si an nua?
Pepes Ikan!

Who did better?
Hahahhaa, I rly think I'm plating some fine dining dish sia.
Is it this one is call Pepes Ikan soup. :x
HUALLAH. Lunch all done!
Quite a pity we didn't managed to catch our own fish cause it was raining, hahaha. And okay, because of our terribly lack of skills. Sigh. They also have many other activities available for you to sign up for within Montigo Resorts if you are too lazy to head out to the city area for some shopping or whatnot. I mean, the city area is about 20 minutes drive away so it can get pretty tiring la. They also have this Treasure Hunting activity there! Should probably try it the next time I visit, :P
After which, we simply went back to our room and rot the hell out for the rest of the day in our pool. Hahahaha, best form of stress relief. At least we didn't call room service for dinner this time! Went over to TADD'S for our dinner hehehe. They have amazing food there, I swear! If you are too lazy to head out to the city area, can come over to TADD'S and try their food! Most of their room service food are from there too, but of course, not the entire menu is available for room service hahaha.
Filled the tumz, time for a walk! We've never really walked around and explore the area before so we decided to go walk around for a bit and take some photos. The bridge is extremely nice at night!! The lights are amazing, hahaha.

Alrighty, that's it for me 3 days 2 night Batam trip! Hahaha, we didn't really do much la to be honest. Last day was pretty much just breakfast, and back to Singapore because we have things on the day after. Ah well. Time to go for yet another getaway soon after Kimmy finishes his Exercise Wallaby.
Can't wait! Email me at if you have any questions! ^^
Any questions, you can always mail to: :D