PinkyParadise: Get ready for Halloween!
Exclusive 50% OFF @ "veevi50"
Annnnnnndddd it's Halloween again! Have you prep your get up for Halloween this year? I've definitely got myself some awesome costume, wigs and lenses, but they don't actually go together well, LOL. It's totally odd to put them together to be honest, but on the bright side; I get to try out many different looks this coming Halloween!
Not sure if any of you remember... In some of my earlier posts I mentioned before I am a total fan of red lenses, but have never been able to get myself a pair of nice red lens after my previous supplier closed his shop. So I got myself a pair of really nice red lenses from PinkyParadise.

PinkyParadise is the Largest Online Contact Lens Shopping Portal available right now. They have over 9000 different type of lenses to chose from, ranging from daily circle lenses to your cosplay lenses! Their lenses are so gorgeous, you can pull off many different looks with it. You can check out some customers' review here, they have AMAZING pictures, seriously.
Anyway, that aside, here's the look I decided to rock with my new pair of VENUS EYE Bright Red Lenses.
I remember 3 years ago, I was also wearing a pair of red lenses attending HHN3, and then it tore right after that night because it was too dry. #fml
Took me 3 years to get another pair of pretty red lens again! Hahahahahaha
I actually wanted to try out some zombie girl or sadako make-up look, but then I realise I didn't have enough color palette to try it out. :(

Now I look like I just ate some raw meat and the blood is leaking.
I have to admit, the lens are extremely comfortable. Except when the fluttering falsies decided to throw some powder into my eye. I thought I had to throw away the lenses, but thank goodness it became okay after I rinsed it with lens solution.
It's amazing how every different lens I get from PinkyParadise makes me feel different. Different in a way where it actually boosts my confidence and make me feel like I am someone else. Verdict: I LOVE IT.
Here's an exclusive 50% DISCOUNT code for you amazing people.
Coupon code applicable to all yearly lenses except (Phantasee, Sclera, and Toric series)
Valid from 1st to 31st October 2016!
Simply key in the above code during check out to enjoy the discount!

Huehuehuehuehue.... Happppyyy Haaaallloooweeeeen......
Simply key in the above code during check out to enjoy the discount!
Huehuehuehuehue.... Happppyyy Haaaallloooweeeeen......
Any questions, you can always mail to: :D