LAZADA Shopping Experience - VIVIANTIAN'S

LAZADA Shopping Experience

by - Thursday, August 27, 2015

[ S p o n s o r e d R e v i e w ]

Lately I have some really serious self-esteem issue due to some really nasty comments thrown to me because of the way I look and dress, lol. Like I've grown a tad bit fatter, with more flabs at the most obvious area............. and being really really short, it only makes me look like a tea pot. Which makes me really really sad as well, because my clothes don't fit me anymore. On the side note, I feel all fired up to prove those sour grapes that I can look good as well, if I want to!

Good bye T-shirt and shorts, hello nice dresses.

It is really tough to be living within such a judgemental industry. Going to school is equavilent to entering the colloseum of fashion. Every one is a crazy fashion nazi, the moment you are spotted in slippers, people be asking, "Are you kidding me? Can't you at least get a pair of decent sandals?"

Alright, I have to admit I am undoubtedly a human-sloth. I spend half my time rotting on my bed whenever I get the chance to, and waking up early to dress up like a fairy is definitely out of the question. BUT. As I continue to mingle with such intense peer pressure, I suddenly start to feel the NEED to change. I guess it's like what they always say... "If you want to step up, you have to step up as a whole."

You have to always be ready. When you look fabulous, that's when you'll start to feel and act fabulous.

So I spent my entire weekend on LAZADA Singapore healing my damaged self-esteem with some serious retail theraphy. Maybe it is not exactly that damaged, but I guess you have to dress up for different occasions as well, so getting proper clothings is important.

The moment I opened up LAZADA's clothing column, I feel foreign. Not because the fashion listings are weird... But more of, not my style. I've always been a T-shirt and shorts person, so looking at a bunch of dresses, jumpsuits and rompers feels really weird. Of course, they do have nice T-shirts and sweat pants just chose the right category, but I need a total wardrobe revamp.

Instead of going through T-Shirts and Tops, I went over to the Pants and Shorts sections to look for some really nice and casual jumpsuits suitable for everyday wear.

I swear I was spoilt for choice! They have over 800 selection of Overalls and Jumpsuits for you to chose from!

Best part, Lazada.sg has free shipping for selected item, and Cash-on-Delivery option! You can make payment after the item arrives!

Here's what I got:

Sleeveless chiffon jumpsuits to tackle the warm, humid weather in Singapore! I have a ton of long sleeves top because I feel insecure about revealing my arms, so for a change, I've chosen this 2 really casual jumpsuit that is suitable for any occasion!

Afterwhich I popped over to the dresses area and hitched a piece of really cute Striped Blue&White dress!
I'm an avid fan of nautical stuff! This piece reminds me of sailor hahahaha.

You get to match them with beautiful cardigans too! I'm a total fan of jackets and hoodies, wearing sleeveless allows me to wear my jackets and hoodies without getting heat stroke, hahahaha.

Matching necklaces that compliments these pretty clothings:

Classy pearls for a casual date, and elegant jewels to complete your date night.
I like how these two can compliment almost any look!!

I've also gotten myself 2 pairs of new kicks, so my schoolmates can now stop judging my $5 Cotton On slippers.

Not forgetting to grab something cute for the boyfriend too, hehe.

Plenty of Kirigumis to chose from!

Clothings aside, Lazada.sg also has other home appliances and gadgets too!

Here are some goodies for your girlfriends, :D

Guys, if your girlfriend is a fan of Hello Kitty, do not wait anymore, XD
This polaroid is a total die-for. I can already see a queue forming......

A portable Instax-printer that allows you to print polaroids through your phone. I've been looking for this everywhere ever since I first laid my eyes on it! It is portable, it is light-weighted and it prints really clear polaroids for you. You don't have to fear your polaroid films going to waste because of bad shots, because you can now take it from your phone and send it over to the instax-printer to print it out. Definitely one of the best gifts ever! Shopping is not just for the ladies too. With the raising hype of electric scooters everywhere, how can lazada not bring them into listing?

Convenient scooter to help you run errands around your neighborhood, no more tiring walks under the scorching hot sun!

Alternately, you can drop an air purifier in your living room to cool up the air. Which is what I did for my room because the weather is so humid, it gets really stuffy at night even with my fan on.

Hello, good night sleep!

Last but not least, Lazada is having a Big App Sales from the 27 August to 30 August! Simply download the Lazada App to get APP-solute bargains #onthego!

Happy shopping everyone!

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Any questions, you can always mail to: veeviisme@live.com :D